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Comparison of Band Method Books Audible Intelligence Music
Comparison of Band Method Books Audible Intelligence Music
I have taught Ben classes for over 20 years. There are a variety of books available on the market. Many books have been used for many many years. Most of the books contain the same songs since they all Focus on folk songs. Most of the books I have used I have just use the first few pages and found that the students became bored with the work resent it. There’s a series of songs that do progress but not in a very systematic way. I have used the accident on achievement book Best in class book and standard of excellence. All three I have only been used for short time before they are not of much use as a teacher. Audible intelligence music it’s created a method book that is actually used in a very effective way. Students complete the entire book. When they’re through with the book they will have mastered the skills necessary to be successful in their band class. This beginning band method is in the class all of its own. This skill builder section covers basic fundamentals that are needed to be focused on and individually. If students take private lessons they will spend time mastering each of these skills with a private instructor. The way that the exercises are presented in this unit provides the teacher with a way to isolate individual students or an individual section that they may want to hear while the others are still participating in keeping their attention and focus and concentration centered on what is going on in the class. There are two parts that are in a call and answer format. The first section focuses on the proper use of air proper breath control proper tone quality. The students also learn to listen to each other so they can play in tune and they get out proper blend imbalance amongst their section and among the whole band. Next her exercises that have slurs the slower slurs I designed to help the students develop there on the shares and develop the proper muscles to play their instruments properly. These are followed by flexibility which are faster slurs these slurs help the students to get more flexibility around their instrument and are able to move throughout the different ranges smoothly. Next her in each unit when they start out it is just a five note scale but as they progress it goes to a full major scale. Cover any of this in anyway that is even remotely close to how the in the zone bound method book does. This beginning band method book actually covers every Basic fundamental and progresses through it in all 10 units. Each skill is developed and reviewed and expanded on as you continue through the book. The students learn there no names and review them. A lot of students will get lost in one of the other books and they never have to review these again and they and up not learning. There’s a you’ve a section that covers the piano keyboard. Not all students play the piano or the bells or mallet instruments. They do however benefit greatly by having a visual picture in their mind of what the keyboard looks like. This will help them to understand how scales work and how half steps in whole steps and other intervals work. It will help them understand an harmonic tones. Some of these concepts are very abstract if you did not have a mental image of a PNO that you can refer to. There’s a section on key signatures the students learn the order of the flats in the order of the sharks and they learned how to figure out a key signature and how to write a scale based on that key signature. None of the other books have any of this correction included in them. There’s a section on time signatures students learn how figure out how many beats are in a measure and what kind of beat that they will use and they learn to didn’t determine what other kinds of combinations of notes they could put into equal that amount of beats. There’s a section that covers of musical notation. With the use of computers, not many kids are learning this this skill. With the understanding of musical notation a student is going to better understand how music works and how it fits on the page. One issue is if it if music is written with the correct spacing that correlates to the length of time and don’t last students are going to be better site readers. If the music is not spaced properly then there’s a good chance it will not be read as accurately. There’s also a section on symbols and terms. This section includes dynamics which means how loud and soft things are includes articulations which shows how to attack the note and it also just has roadmap things like coda signs and repeats and things like that there’ll a couple markings that are included for like andante and allegro and others words like that. Next there is a section on rhythms the students have an ensemble that they can play with other students that they can put on their instrument on given pictures or they could clap them or they could use body percussion. Next there are two worksheets that review rhythms in different ways. It is so important that students understand rhythm that there is extra attention paid in each unit to spend extra time on rhythm studies. After all of this the students then have the songs. The songs use the skills that they have learned in their skill building sections and they apply what they have learned to look play their songs. Each song has a practice check next to it there are five checks the students are supposed to play all of the number ones first then they’re supposed to go back and review and fix something to make something better for the second time through and someone until they’ve done to each exercise five times. By the time they have completed this they should’ve mastered each exercise. If they have not mastered it they should go back and review it until they have. At the end of the unit there is a section that has some ensembles and little jazz songs. There’s also Focus on the composer starting in unit three and there’s a piece by that composer and there’s a bit of information that the students can read about and learn some facts about the composer and they will need to have a filling the blank exercise on the following page. The in the zone banned method is by far the best beginning band method book available today. This book is the only band curriculum that is available. The other books merely are showing a group of songs and do not require the students to do all of the work this put together.