Saxophone Band Method Book AIM Success Audible Intelligence Music. The in the zone band method book is an excellent book to start using when playing the saxophone. The alto saxophone starts on the note B. This is just a first finger for the saxophone. The player can focus on his hand position in his embouchure and his posture. Then the student can focus on their air control wall they do not have to spend too much time worrying about their fingerings. In the first unit they start off with a B and then the note C they only have to change from first finger to second finger. Saxophone Band Method Book AIM Success Audible Intelligence Music. They’ve been focused on their articulations and their tone quality. This book is an excellent beginning been method book because it isolates each skill that needs to be developed in house focuses on that and then combines the different skills until the student can maneuver his or her way through their concert music. There are long tone exercises for tone quality development. Saxophone Band Method Book AIM Success Audible Intelligence Music. There are slur floor exercises to help develop the embouchure. And our scale exercises that help the students to learn all of the different chromatic notes on their instrument. Learning these scales will also help the students to be able to play songs that have been composed in different keys. At the end of each skill builder section there is an exercise that was on technique. This helps day musicians practice coordinating their tonguing and articulating along with their fingerings. They need to get this coordination will develop so they will be able to maneuver through difficult passages in their concert in performance music. Saxophone Band Method Book AIM Success Audible Intelligence Music. The in the zone band method book is the only method book that I am aware of that isolates each of these skills and help the student to perfect them in a systematic progressive approach. This book serves as an entire full curriculum for band classes and helps guide the teacher through their lesson plans. This book works well for a class setting or private lessons setting. Saxophone Band Method Book AIM Success Audible Intelligence Music.